Source code for webdriverwrapper.pytest.conftest

# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name

import os

import pytest

__all__ = ('pytest_report_header', 'pytest_runtest_makereport', 'set_driver_to_test_for_failed_screenshot', 'driver')

[docs]def pytest_report_header(config): """ Pytest hook, see :py:func:`_pytest.hookspec.pytest_report_header` (:ref:`pytest:plugins`). It's important to see which URL is testing with which user and where are stored screenshots. It will be displayed before run of tests if you set some config values like that: .. code-block:: python def pytest_configure(config): config.webdriverwrapper_screenshot_path = os.path.join('/', 'tmp', 'testresults') config.webdriverwrapper_testing_url = '' config.webdriverwrapper_testing_username = 'testing_username' If your web app does not need any user, just don't set it. """ screenshot_path = getattr(config, 'webdriverwrapper_screenshot_path', None) testing_url = getattr(config, 'webdriverwrapper_testing_url', None) testing_username = getattr(config, 'webdriverwrapper_testing_username', None) lines = [] if screenshot_path: lines.append('| Screenshot path: {}'.format(screenshot_path)) if testing_url: lines.append('| Testing URL: {}'.format(testing_url)) if testing_username: lines.append('| Testing username: {}'.format(testing_username)) if lines: wrap_line = '+' + '-' * 75 lines.insert(0, wrap_line) lines.append(wrap_line) return lines
[docs]@pytest.mark.tryfirst def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call, __multicall__): """ Pytest hook, see :py:func:`_pytest.hookspec.pytest_runtest_makereport`. After each failed test will be generated screenshot if you specify where to save these screenshots. .. code-block:: python def pytest_configure(config): config.webdriverwrapper_screenshot_path = os.path.join('/', 'tmp', 'testresults') """ # Execute all other hooks to obtain the report object. report = __multicall__.execute() if report.failed: test_func = _get_test_func(item.obj) if hasattr(test_func, 'driver'): # When the problem is in `driver` fixture, it will not be here. make_screenshot_of_failed_tests(test_func.driver, item.config, item.nodeid) return report
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True) def set_driver_to_test_for_failed_screenshot(request, driver): _get_test_func(request.node.obj).driver = driver def _get_test_func(obj): # Test function may be method. But attributes can be set only to functions. if hasattr(obj, 'im_func'): # Python 2 return obj.im_func if hasattr(obj, '__func__'): # Python 3 return obj.__func__ return obj def make_screenshot_of_failed_tests(driver, config, nodeid): screenshot_path = getattr(config, 'webdriverwrapper_screenshot_path', None) if not screenshot_path: return driver.close_alert(ignore_exception=True) name = nodeid.replace('/', '.').replace(':', '.') driver.get_screenshot_as_file(os.path.join(screenshot_path, '{}.png'.format(name)))
[docs]@pytest.yield_fixture(scope='function') def driver(request, _driver): """ Fixture for testing. This fixture just take your driver by fixture called ``_driver`` and after each test call :py:meth:`~webdriverwrapper.errors.WebdriverWrapperErrorMixin.check_expected_errors` and :py:meth:``. You have to just implement creating of your browser. .. code-block:: python @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def _driver(): driver = Chrome() yield driver driver.quit() """ _driver.screenshot_path = getattr(request.config, 'webdriverwrapper_screenshot_path', None) _driver.close_other_windows() yield _driver _driver.check_expected_errors(test_method=request.function) _driver.check_expected_infos(test_method=request.function)